Friday 15 February 2013

Why I feel Noodles will remain a part of our Diet for a long time.

Roll back to the 70s, 80s and even the early 90s, noodles were far off from the shores of most African countries (I do not imply the likes of macaronni or spaghetti; instant noodles is my contention here). Pardon my limited knowledge on this claim; I just might be wrong with my assertion. But come to think of it, what would family living today be if there were no such supplements/dietaries as noodles? Be it the Indomie noodle (the very first we know of and associate more with) and perhaps, the less fancied ones like the Dangote and Honeywell make-ups. 

By close inference, those who seem to fancy a real quick fix to hunger solutions sure have a friend in noodles. The proxy with which to include noodles into their choice options is applaud able and so greeted with a loud welcome. "Man must whack so it seems", and Noodles make the eating process stress free and gracious to say the least.

Now, noodles are easy to prepare. Yes, the preparation process is quick, which makes for fast consumption in good time. For some, all you need do is just to add hot water to the composite, leave for say 5 mins or even less, then you have your meal handy. And yes, pay no attention to what some quarters proffer about noodles not being healthy; such persons or 'authority' most certainly lack substantive evidence or reasons as to why such claims can be held credible.


Noodles have fast become a staple among most people in Nigeria and by my guess, some African countries as well. The most known origin of noodles is evident among the Chinese. It is a main staple for them. If people are then to base the benefit or so to say of noodles on the traditional ones and not on the commonly known instant noodles, the meal can surely provide the same nutrition to the body just like rice and other cereals do. And of course, there are several ways to serve noodles. One of such is steam processing. They can also be boiled, stir-fired or enmeshed in soup.




With the addition of seasonings in noodles, the elementary taste gets sublime. Adding meat or other close savours add to the nutritional benefits noodles can supply. From findings in the medical fields, health conscious individuals can add some vegetable to it to a turn a healthy snack.

With the emergence of several noodles in the Nigerian market, consumers are spoilt for choice and are true to get whatever nourishment they desire from each or any of the brands they choose to favourite. Be it the regular Indomie Noodles, Dangote, Honeywell and the other foreign imports, one sure fact is, noodles are good nutriends. And true to my convictions  they will remain a part and parcel of our food staple for as long as possible.

I hope you find this article resourceful. Your comments are welcome. Ciao!

All images courtesy of Google search

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